
在新加坡工作時,受到羅耀明老師的課程啟發,從2020年3月30號開始書寫,除了參加一次10日內觀無法記錄之外,每天的覺察日記以及欣賞感謝的3件事情是我的日常 ...

每天在臉書紀錄,連結如下 : 

20200330_Mindfulness practice diary
⾏走靜觀 Mindful walking


This morning I used my break time from working home for a mindful walking a tmy condo and here is my realization: everything, whatever it was in the past or will be projected into the future, is just the by-product from our mind but only BEING around me and time is not “here or now” because time doesn’t exist. When I quietly stay with awareness, there is still no time, past and future but just PRESENCE contains whatever it is. 

Just a experience sharing from Michael from Woodland, Singapore 20200330。